Business Mastering Roadmap

Con Antonio is the Managing Director of HID Group, a trusted business leader, coach and #1 Best-Selling Author. HID Group is dedicated to reviving the small and medium business community by providing accounting services and business coaching to business owners. Con is a qualified accountant and uses his 30 years of expertise in accounting and business knowledge to create efficient systems, which create profit, but also works in depth with the personal development of the business owners. Con realized years ago by working with various companies from the medical industry to the car industry that for a business to have lasting success, it is not simply about changing systems, it's about changing the mindset and habits of the business owners running the company.
After several years working for small companies he joined AMCOR, one of the largest packaging companies in Australia and overseas. For the following 13 years Con dedicated most of his waking hours to learning and developing his knowledge and was promoted to different levels of management working together with some of the most disciplined and toughest professionals of the group who taught him all he knows today about business and the discipline and commitment that is required to become successful.
Although Con enjoyed achieving success in the accounting profession he also knew that his passion was to inspire and empower people to achieve their personal and business dreams and at the height of his career he decided to resign and went on to join the HID Group. For the past 16 years he has coached successfully a number of small and medium sized business that have over a period of time more than tripled their bottom line.
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Personal & Executive Coaching
Our Personal/Leadership coaching program builds awareness and responsibility; it helps our clients to remove interference limiting their performance so they
can perform at their natural best.
Personal/Leadership coaching has many different dimensions but fundamentally operates on two levels; Transactional coaching which is making something we
do better, doing it in a more efficient, productive, fulfilling way. The other is transformational coaching where you radically change how you see and act.
How it works
In the initial meeting we work with you to identify your needs, we would usually complete with you your life purpose and wheel of life exercise to determine
where you stand today in the various areas of your life and where you would like to start.
Then unless you have a specific short term goal that you wish to work on, I would normally continue with conducting a personal profile that will provide
the framework of our coaching program.
We will meet for an hour every fortnight to work on issues identified and agree to achieve desired outcomes that will be measurable in a timely manner
Business Coaching
Few businesses ever achieve their full potential, for a variety of reasons. In most cases, they fail to focus on the things that are really important because they lack the correct systems and reporting procedures. In other words, there’s a real lack of planning and control in the business.
Our business coaching programs are designed to start where you are now – whatever stage of business you’re in – and move you closer to where you want the business to go.
Here’s how
In the first instance, we work with you to determine the position of the business now and your goals for where you would like to take it. This obviously has to be realistic, but it should also be challenging.
We then explore the ways in which you could achieve your targets. Specifically, we ask you to complete a brief Business Development Questionnaire that will help identify your business scope to build revenue and profit. You will be literally amazed at what you discover from that element of the program.
Then we help you define specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are critical to the success of your business and that keep you focused on the things you must get right.
We will meet with you for one hour per week or fortnight, whichever option works better for you and work through the goals for the week or fortnight, review your KPIs and then undertake a total quarterly review of your Management Plan. This service ensures that you always have a planning goal to work toward and you are able to see at a glance how you are doing.
In between your coaching sessions, you will be in phone and email contact with us to make sure you always have support and advice when you need it.
We also provide group coaching workshops with up to nine other business owners. These programs run term to term, meeting fortnightly in the evenings.
Team Development
In many organizations people talk about developing the team, working as a team etc, but few understand how to create the experience of team work or how to develop an effective team.
Belonging to a team, in the broadest sense, is a result of feeling part of something larger than yourself.
It has a lot to do with your understanding of the Vision Mission and Values of your organization.
In a team-oriented environment, you contribute to the overall success of the organization. You work with fellow members of the organization to produce these results.
Even though you have a specific job function and you belong to a specific department, you are unified with other organization members to accomplish the overall objectives.
The bigger picture drives your actions; your function exists to serve the bigger picture. In essence you are striving to improve results for customers.
It is important to differentiate this overall sense of teamwork from the task of developing an effective intact team that is formed to accomplish a specific goal.
People confuse the two team building objectives. This is why so many team building seminars, meetings, retreats and activities are deemed failures by their participants. Leaders failed to define the team they wanted to build.
Developing an overall sense of team work is different from building an effective, focused work team when you consider team building approaches.
In this program we concentrate in developing your team to serve the bigger picture of improving results for your customers.
Firstly we need to examine three basic requirements:
Clear Expectations: Management’s expectations of all team members are:
• Participation from all team members during coaching sessions
• 100% attendance to all coaching sessions
• Completion of homework