Financial Services
Our passion for helping others is highlighted by our approach to develop a deep understanding of our client’s values and financial situations. We develop your financial goals and create integrated strategies to optimise your financial outcomes with agreed risks and convert the complex world of money management into your language.
We are privileged to be invited into people's lives. Being your trusted adviser in your financial affairs means we are transparent and deliver truly comprehensive financial services. With our team of qualified financial staff you will be empowered to not only take back control of your financial decisions; you will also learn the lifelong skills of money management.
Our approach takes a holistic and systematic view of your family’s wealth; recognising the dynamic interaction between the individuals and their environment and how these influence and impact on each other in a continuous, synergistic and dynamic way.
Together, we map your family’s group of assets and plan for the future. This entails utilizing our knowledge of your accounting and tax position with your future objectives and concerns for the family wealth planning. It enables us to construct appropriate wealth distributions using all your assets, eg. home, mortgage, family and unit trusts, companies, market related investments and human capital (earning potential). As part of our mapping we also consider the estate planning and business succession consequences.
We bring together the core activities in the HID Financial Services by incorporating the following:
- Management |
- Development |
- Acumen |
- Advocacy |
- Nurturing |
- Learning |
- Advice |
Our Financial Planning Allocation Framework (FPAF) provides the goal post and planning to work towards achieving the important objectives for you and your family.

Our Guiding Principal....
Our family groups need to maintain their lifestyle and meet their financial obligations regardless of market conditions.

Financial Planning
The Financial Planning Allocation Framework (FPAF) enables a family group to construct appropriate portfolios using all their assests, such as their home, mortgage, market investments and human capital (earning potential). The resulting portfolios are designed to meet the family's needs and preferences, as well as to protect the individuals from risk factors.
HID Financial Services Pty. Ltd. ACN 167 033 785, is an Authorised Representative of Unique Advisers Pty Ltd, ABN 38 131 483 111 a Financial Services Licensee No. 328140 with its registered office at 2/30 Roma Street North Epping NSW 2121